Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hooked on Ravelry

Well, I have joined all of those who spend much of their free time (when not knitting or crocheting, of course) on Ravelry. I am amazed at how many ideas I've been getting for future projects, and I love checking out various yarns and how they have worked up. It is a fabulous resource center. I traded some yarn, and made the acquaintance of a very nice, very talented woman in New Hampshire. We'd hoped to meet this Sunday at the book launch at Webs, but it looks like the weather is conspiring against that.

I've been trying to finish up a lot of UFOs, and have been successful with two scarves. Both were started months ago, and at this point, I am not sure who will be getting them, so there wasn't a lot of impetus to finish them up. I found that although I loved the intense colors of the Brown Sheep Handpaint yarn I used in this entrelac scarf, I am not really a big fan of mohair (sudden discovery), and this yarn is 70% mohair.

I've started and finished a few smaller projects, although I really should be working on my Fair Isle cardigan. I have promised myself the knitting will be done by the end of the year, but I'd better scoot to make that happen! The steeking that will follow has me hyperventilating, even though I know it won't be that bad. I've made two Fidgets, both out of Moda Dea Tweedle Dee, and love the yarn (even though it is 80% acrylic) and the pattern. Also a couple of presents for friends, and since they haven't gotten them yet, I won't say anything about them here.

Like everyone else, I'm very impressed by the large number of patterns in the current issue of Knitty that I'd like to start working on. The Quant headband (entrelac) may be the first one I start with. I wonder what your favorite is from this batch of patterns? And are you now spending all your time on Ravelry, too?

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