Saturday, September 8, 2007

I am getting there on the textured tunic

I've been working on the Textured Tunic from Fitted Knits for a few weeks now. The first two projects I made from the book seemed to go very quickly. This one has needed a lot more decision-making on my part, and lots of days after work I feel a bit too tired to be making decisions I am not sure about. The advice from many knitters on Fitted Knits Along has been extremely helpful. Without it, I wouldn't have realized I need to do decreases near the waist to pull it in (the way it looks in the book, but no decreases are written into the pattern). A couple of people also mentioned it was too long for them, and I am shortening it by 20 (!) rows as a result, but I think it will be quite long enough. There is lots of advice for knitting the sleeves, which I'll take a closer look at once I get to that point. I only have about 8 more rows to do on the front, and about 15 on the back, then I do get to go onto the sleeves. The yarn is Adrienne Vittadini's Donata (and it is more purple than this picture shows). I've tried it on a million times as I tried to get the shaping right, and I have to say it is a bit scratchy. I read about a trick of soaking such garments for a brief time with hair conditioner. I'm going to have to try that.

In the meantime, my Composed Mitts languish. But I am making very good progress on another ribwarmer vest!

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